Z-Wave Smart Thermostat Control

- Text Alerts
- Temperature Sensors
- Control Thermostat
- 24/7 Monitoring
Energy Management with a Smart Thermostat Can Keep Energy Costs Low
With a wireless thermostat, you no longer need to worry about whether you remembered to turn your heater or air-conditioner off when you leave for work.
Smart thermostats are part of a new generation of Web-enabled home appliances that provide homeowners with energy savings, added convenience and greater peace of mind. Manage the system yourself or choose a third party to do it for you. Regardless of the option you choose, innovative technology makes these thermostats easy to set up and even easier to manage with your laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Benefits and features of a Z-Wave Smart Thermostat Control
- Save on energy bills each year—without sacrificing comfort
- Easily installed to replace your standard thermostat
- Simple programming of schedules with battery backup for personalized settings
- Easy to use touchscreen display makes it easy to adjust settings
- The save energy button sets temperature to a predetermined temperature
- Receive real-time alerts of temperature changes such as a furnace going out
- Armed “away” mode adjusts your HVAC to save energy—perfect for travelers
- Fully programmable thermostat can be controlled locally and remotely
- Anytime, anywhere access to your Z-Wave thermostat via web or smart phone
- Combine with Geo-Services and enjoy state-of-the-art convenience
Reasons Why a Remote Thermostat Is a Good Investment for Your Home
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average homeowner can save on their yearly energy costs simply by installing a programmable thermostat in the home. Keeping temperatures at home within preset parameters is one of the most effective methods of managing energy costs. By installing a wireless thermostat with mobile applications, energy use can be analyzed remotely, enabling significant savings over time.
Simple to use yet technologically sophisticated, smart thermostats detect minute changes in temperature or humidity and adjust themselves automatically. With Wi-Fi connectivity, energy is not wasted cooling or heating an empty home. Wireless thermostats also have a set-it-and-forget-it technology, which keeps the home at the desired temperature all day long.
In addition to whole-home control, individual parameters for each room can be set with remote thermostats, an important feature for those who have temperature or moisture-sensitive valuables such as a wine or art collections.
Whether you are in the next room or miles away, smart sensors notify you of potential problems so you can act before property loss or damage occurs. This same technology detects issues, such as power failures, floods or even a fire. It detects anything that may cause a sudden temperature or humidity change and gets the information to you in real time.
There is also the option for homeowners who travel to connect a wireless thermostat with a home alarm system for added security and peace of mind. Many home security companies will monitor the thermostat, respond to alarms and alert homeowners to temperature changes that may signal trouble in the home.
Automated Thermostats Protect Homes From Extreme Temperatures
A quick drop or jump in temperature can be dangerous to a home and its inhabitants; extreme temperatures contribute to property damage. When homes get too cold, pipes freeze and burst, and windows crack. This type of damage begins when the outdoor temperature drops below freezing. Similarly, heat becomes a health hazard when the temperature reaches above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. When homes get too hot, inhabitants, especially pets, can develop heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion. These dangers make owning a smart thermostat an important part of emergency preparedness.
Wireless thermostats protect your home from extreme temperatures by constantly monitoring both the indoor and outdoor temperatures. When temperatures change quickly, the thermostat adjusts as well, making your home colder or warmer as necessary.
Smart thermostats monitor and adjust your home’s temperature even when you are away. This is a great benefit for homeowners who vacation or leave their home every winter for warmer climates.
With a smart thermostat, you continue to receive notifications if there are dramatic shifts in temperature, but you also have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your thermostat has taken care of the extreme temperatures for you.
Remote thermostats double as fire alarms by recording jumps in heat, providing an extra level of protection for you and your loved ones. These thermostats can also alert you to extreme temperature changes caused by internal sources. If a furnace goes off, for example, a thermostat notes the change in temperature and sends an alarm.
A thermostat can also be programmed to catch changes in temperature before they start, by setting the thermostat to track weather reports, the temperature is adjusted in the home before the cold front or heat wave moves in.
The Benefits of Remote Temperature Control
The U.S. Department of Energy reports that homeowners can realize significant savings on energy bills annually by lowering their house temperature by just 10 or 15 degrees throughout the night.
At the end of the day, a wireless thermostat will enable you to control the temperature in your bedroom before you arrive, and turn the heat down once you are comfortably settled in. You can also set the thermostat to increase the warmth just before your alarm wakes you up the next day.
When you are away from home, manage your heating and air conditioning system to use a minimum of energy resources. With remote temperature control, cut back on furnace or air conditioner use in a house that is empty. A mobile app and a user-friendly website make your thermostat accessible wherever you are. Easily program your energy schedule so that your house returns to the level of warmth or coolness you prefer by the time you pull into the driveway.
Recognizing the energy-saving efficiency of smart thermostats, many utility companies offer discounts to customers who install them. The greener choice, a thermostat with remote temperature control requires no great effort to program or adjust, yet its advanced features make it a powerful energy-conserving tool.